BEBERAPA BAGIAN DIMANA ARAYAN EN ZUKKII DI INTERVIEW (DARI BERBAGAI MEDIA), makasih buat community journal zukki and araki hehehe...

I = interviewer
A = arayan

Z = zukkii


I : do you remember the first conversation you had?
Z : "You're sexy, ne."
A : "He said 'Sup' at the end of the Tenimyu audition."

I : They're totally different...
A : "It was definitely mine!"
Z : "I don't remember at all (laughs). It was, like, 3 years ago, right?"
A : "4 years ago! (pointing to Zukki's answer) You probably didn't say that."
Z : "I didn't say it, but that's the kind of impression I had."
A : "The voice of your heart?"

nade : zukkii's heart said that arayan is sexy?? hehehe...right,zukkii!! you already fellin love to arayan from beginning neee....


I : So next, a question for Zukki. What do you like about Arayan? Arayan, try and guess his answer.
Z : "He's easy to be with."
A : "My wife-like qualities."
I : Is that close, or totally off...?
Z : "(looking at Arayan's answer) Ahahahaha (roars with laughter)! But it's not that far off."
A : "That's how our relationship is. On set, when we're waiting (to go on), I get to wake him up when he's sleeping on the set bus. (Zukki is) Terrible when he's just woken up! I have to get him up all the time! (laughs)"

nade : such a good wife wakakakakakaka.....

hints from kindai interview, dimana zukkii mendapat 20 pertanyaan dan salah satunya adalah :
I : Lately, what are you looking for in a girlfriend?
Z : Someone who'll wake me up in the morning (someone who'll take good care of me)

nade : helloooooo......arayan always wake you up in the morning hehehehe


I : Arayan, what's the thing Zukki says or does that makes you happiest? Zukki, guess the answer!
Z : "I'll go along with anything?"
A : "'It's okay, isn't it?'"
I : This is......?
A : "I'm a worrier, but even then he says 'It's okay, isn't it?', and that makes things really easy."
I : So it's okay even if he doesn't give a detailed reply?
A : "If he did, I'd just start thinking about it again, and worrying again."
Z : "Good answer, ne!"

nade : wait,girls!! this is hints from other interview ^^, from calens interview!!

I : So a really level-headed girl who would spoil you would be best, right?
A : "Yeah. And, someone who'd be okay when I'm not there. Who'd just laugh and say "It's fine, it's fine" from a distance, no matter what I was doing. That'd be nice (laughs) Maybe because I was raised with an older and younger sister, I can talk about stuff easily even if it's about the opposite sex, and they often don't see me as a man. Even if I say I like someone, they don't believe me (laughs). It's a pretty big disadvantage (laughs). If I'm dating, I do it wholeheartedly. I feel like, as much as possible, I want to support them and not become a burden. But I want to be spoiled, too...

nade : zukkii did that!! said to you - comfort you with this "it's fine" thingy , right?? ^^


I : Next, a question for your aptitude together. If you lived together, how would you split up chores, like washing and cleaning?
Z : "All Araki (I'd take out the trash)."
A : "I'd do everything, and take orders."
Z : "It's a match, ne "
A : "I'd do everything, and I'd let Zukki give the instructions!"

nade : hahahaha... arayan is absolutely a good wife hahahahaha...


from calens
I : I think the current Rio is a much bigger success than the other one would have been. And he's pretty popular with girls, right?
A : "Iya, he's actually surprisingly popular with guys. Since his costume and his attitude are kind of like a Final Fantasy character (laughs). In that way, guys are really becoming interested in him."

nade : *gedubrak-krompyang-gludug-gludug* ..... arayan knew that there are alot of guys interested to him (a.ka. rio) wakakakaka...


(nade gak pernah nemuin orang yang lagi di interview dan melakukan hal seperti ini hahahahahaha)

I : after doing the Compatibility Diagnosis, Zukki, what are you thinking now? Arayan, try and match Zukki's answer!
Z : "I think (the readers) will be weirded out."
A : "I wanna go home, by: Suzuki."
Z : "(looking at Arayan's answer) You're writing's terrible!"

I : Well, now the really really last one! Arayan, what are you thinking right now? Zukki, try and guess Arayan's answer!
Z : "I wanna go home."
A : "I have to go to the bathroom."

I : Eh, you were holding it?!
Z : "What are you saying, in front of everyone (shocked)!?"
A : "No, I really have to go!"

I : Go, go!
A : "I understand! I'm off to the bathroom! (dashes away)"
Z : "Leaving me all alone...Well, that was interesting"

nade : *ngakak guling2* wakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD

demi Tuhan deh!! serius nade baru denger ada orang di wawancarai tapi kebelet BAK (buang air kecil), udah gitu dengan jujurnya arayan mengatakan hal itu (DITULIS LAGI DI KERTAS DENGAN TULISAN GEDE) hahahahahaha....

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